Last Updated Dec 03, 2016
The company provides, as a benefit, paid vacations for its eligible employees. Forward requests for time off in advance to HR Department, who may approve or deny the request based on company resources. The company is flexible in approving time off when doing so would not interfere with company operations. Vacation days are granted only on a full day or half-day basis.
A regular employee is eligible to receive paid time off after completing the probation period. The management has allowed 2 full day or 4 half day leaves in a month by intimating the HR Department prior to availing these leaves. However more than these allowed leaves can be availed if employee has more leaves in balance.
If employee does not avail leaves in any particular month it may be accumulated or carried forward into next month within a year. However non-availed leave will not carried forward to the next year.
Classification and Number of Leaves per Year
1. Casual Leaves : 10 days2. Medical Leaves: 8 days
3. Earned Leaves: 6 days
Non availed earned leave are reimbursed in cash after the completion of year
Special Note
Please note that above division of leaves applies when employee is working for whole year. For example if an employee has completed his/her probation in the month of September, he can only avail 2 leaves for each month for for rest of 3 months, or 6 leaves in total.

Sick or Medical Leaves
Last Updated Dec 03, 2016
Situations may arise where an employee needs to take time off to address medical or other health concerns. The company requests that employees provide notification to their HR Department as soon as practicable when taking time off. Sick days are granted on a paid basis to regular employees but from within respective leave balance stated above. Employees may consult HR Department regarding the amount of sick or medical leave if exceeding from limit of each year. Sick or Medical Leaves may not be carried over into the next year. Abuse of this policy may result in disciplinary action.
Employees may be required to provide: medical certifications supporting the need for leave if the leave is due to a serious health condition of the employee or employee’s family member; periodic recertification of the serious health condition; and periodic reports during the leave regarding the employee’s status and intent to return to work. Employees must return to work immediately after the serious health condition ceases, and employees who have taken leave because of their own serious health condition must submit a fitness-for-duty certification before being allowed to return to work.

Annual Holidays
Last Updated Dec 03, 2016
The company observes all the following gazetted holidays, as announced by the Federal Government:
- Kashmir Day - Feb 05- Pakistan Day - March 23
- Labour Day - May 01
- Eid ul Fittar (as announced by Federal Government)
- Independence Day - August 14
- Eid ul Azha (as announced by Federal Government)
- Ashoora Muharam - Muharam 10
- Eid Milad un Nabi
- Quaid Azam Day - Dec 25
These Holidays are observed on a paid basis for all eligible employees.

Voting Time Off
Last Updated Dec 03, 2016
Employees are encouraged to participate in elections. The company grants incremental time off to cast a ballot in an election. Normally Federal government announce this as holiday, however if employee reside in constituency where byelection are announced, this facility can be granted. Voting time off is granted on a paid basis. Should extenuating circumstances arise while voting, notify a HR Department as soon as possible.

Unpaid Leaves
New York, 2nd may 2013
Regular full-time employees may request an unpaid leave of absence after the exhaustion of paid leave. A request for a leave of absence must be submitted in writing in advance to the HR Department.
Leave of absences that are granted are unpaid, and will not be considered until an employee has exhausted all appropriate accrued leave balances. Continuation of employee benefits during a leave of absence will be addressed on an individual basis, as required by law.