Last Updated Dec 05, 2016
The company expects every employee to act in a professional manner. Satisfactory performance of job duties and responsibilities is key to this expectation. Employees should attempt to achieve their job objectives, and act with diligence and consideration at all times. Poor job performance can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Last Updated Dec 05, 2016
The company may periodically evaluate an employee’s performance. The goal of a performance review is to identify areas where an employee excels and areas that need improvement. The company uses performance reviews as a tool to determine pay increases, promotions and/or terminations.
All performance reviews are based on merit, achievement and other factors may include but are not limited to:
- Quality of work- Attitude
- Knowledge of work
- Job skills
- Attendance and punctuality
- Teamwork and cooperation
- Compliance with company policy
- Past performance reviews
- Improvement
- Acceptance of responsibility and constructive feedback
Employees should note that a performance review does not guarantee a pay increase or promotion. Written performance evaluations may be made at any time to advise employees of unacceptable performance. Evaluations or any subsequent change in employment status, position or pay does not alter the employee’s at will-relationship with the company.
Forward any questions about performance expectation or evaluation to the HR Department, Project Manager or Team Lead conducting the evaluation.
Last Updated Dec 05, 2016
Supervisors and employees should interact with mutual respect and common courtesy. Employees are expected to take instruction from supervisors or other persons of authority. Failure to comply with instructions or unreasonably delaying compliance is considered insubordination. Acts of insubordination are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
If an employee disagrees with a supervisor, the employee should first try to mediate the situation by explaining their position. If possible, a compromise might be met and accusations of insubordination avoided.
In situation when things seems challenging, it is equal responsibilities of both parties to bring the situation to Project Manager.
Freelance or Private Jobs
Last Updated Dec 05, 2016
It is totally forbidden for all staff members while in full time employment of company to engage during or after duty hours in private errands i.e contractor, consultant, freelancer, remote commuter, virtual assistant etc
Anyone found contravening the above instructions will be dismissed summarily and all dues shall be forfeited. However the Director Marketing at his/her discretion can permit an employee to carry out private jobs only after obtaining written approval.